Newport Rising Totebag workshop with Jean geanies
Iau, 19 Rhag
Decorate your own Newport Rising Totebag workshop with Jean geanies upcycling.
Amser a lleoliad
19 Rhag 2024, 18:00 – 20:00
Newport, 170 Commercial St, Newport NP20 1JN, UK
Ynglŷn â'r digwyddiad
Note: this is the rescheduled date as the event was postponed from the 7th due to weather.
Marion Webber from Jean Genies will be leading this crafty workshop making Newport Rising/ Chartist themed totebags, incorporating flames, old newspaper print, the giant charter, placards and banners saying right to vote.
Feel free to bring your own things to be embellished too.
We're happy to provide and historical information we have on the Chartists during the workshop.
Bydd Marion Webber o Jean Genies yn arwain y gweithdy crefftus hwn yn gwneud bagiau tote thema Gwrthryfel Casnewydd/Siartwyr, yn cynnwys fflamau, hen brint papur newydd, y siarter anferth, placardiau a baneri yn dweud hawl i bleidleisio.
Mae croeso i chi ddod â'ch pethau eich hun i'w haddurno hefyd.
General Admission