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Torch lit march in the footsteps of the Chartists - 185th Anniversary

Sat, 02 Nov


Belle Bue Park Tea Rooms

Torch lit march | Newport Rising 2024 | March with us on the 185th anniversary of the Newport Rising of 1839 | Ymunwch â ni ar gyfer 185fed pen-blwydd Gwrthryfel Casnewydd 1839

Torch lit march in the footsteps of the Chartists - 185th Anniversary
Torch lit march in the footsteps of the Chartists - 185th Anniversary

Time & Location

02 Nov 2024, 16:30

Belle Bue Park Tea Rooms, Bellevue Pavilion & Conservatory, Newport NP20 4EZ, UK

About the Event

Join us for the annual torch-lit procession for Newport Rising Festival 2024.

On the 185th anniversary of the Newport Rising, gather with us at Belle Vue Park from 4:30 PM, where there will be live music, performances, and refreshments available from Belle Vue Tea Rooms. This year, we are determined to make this the biggest celebration yet, featuring guest speakers and annual favourites Barracwda, Wonderbrass, and fire spectacle and performances from Hummadruz  and Reality Theatre bringing extra excitement to the celebrations.

The march will commence at 6:00 PM and will proceed to Westgate Square, concluding at approximately 7:15 PM. Please note that these times are subject to change depending on conditions on the night. Parking at Belle Vue Park is not advised - park gates will be closed before marchers return. We encourage those attending the march to walk and use public transport to attend. 

Wax torches are optional and available at an early bird fee of £5. This fee helps cover the cost of the torches and supports the festival. No alternative sources of flame are allowed during the event. Strict safety instructions will be provided and must be followed. Torches must be collected from Belle Vue Park and we kindly request that you arrive early to ensure you have enough time to collect your torch before the march begins.

This event is supported by the National Lottery Heritage Fund and UK Government. Newport Rising Festival is organised by registered charity Our Chartist Heritage (1176673) on a not for profit basis. All funds raised go towards the artist and professional fees, heritage and education projects. 

If you require assistance or have any questions, please notify the event organisers by emailing

Ymunwch â ni ar gyfer y brosesiwn fflamllewydd blynyddol ar gyfer Gŵyl Newport Rising 2024.

Ar 185fed pen-blwydd Gwrthryfel Casnewydd, ymunwch â ni ym Mharc Belle Vue o 4:30 PM, lle bydd cerddoriaeth fyw, perfformiadau, ac adloniant ar gael gan Ystafelloedd Te Belle Vue. Eleni, rydym yn benderfynol o wneud hyn yn ddathliad mwy nag erioed, gyda siaradwyr gwadd a ffefrynnau blynyddol Barracwda, Wonderbrass, a sbectol tân a pherfformiadau gan Hummadruz a Theatr Realiti yn ychwanegu at gyffro’r dathliadau.

Bydd y brosesiwn yn dechrau am 6:00 PM ac yn parhau i Sgwâr Westgate, gan orffen tua 7:15 PM. Sylwch y gall yr amserau hyn newid yn dibynnu ar yr amodau ar y noson. Nid yw parcio ym Mharc Belle Vue yn cael ei argymell - bydd gatiau'r parc yn cael eu cau cyn i'r marchogion ddychwelyd. Rydym yn annog y rhai sy'n mynychu'r brosesiwn i gerdded ac i ddefnyddio trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus i fynychu.

Mae fflamllewyddau cŵyr yn ddewisol ac ar gael am ffi rhataf o £5. Mae'r ffi hon yn helpu i dalu cost y fflamllewyddau ac yn cefnogi'r ŵyl. Ni chaniateir ffynonellau fflam eraill yn ystod y digwyddiad. Bydd cyfarwyddiadau diogelwch llym yn cael eu darparu a rhaid eu dilyn. Rhaid casglu'r fflamllewyddau ym Mharc Belle Vue ac rydym yn gofyn yn garedig i chi gyrraedd yn gynnar i sicrhau bod gennych ddigon o amser i gasglu'ch fflamllewydd cyn i'r brosesiwn ddechrau.

Cefnogir y digwyddiad hwn gan Gronfa Dreftadaeth y Loteri Genedlaethol a Llywodraeth y DU. Trefnir Gŵyl Newport Rising gan yr elusen gofrestredig Our Chartist Heritage (1176673) ar sail nid-er-elw. Mae'r holl arian a godir yn mynd tuag at ffioedd artistiaid a gweithwyr proffesiynol, prosiectau treftadaeth ac addysg.

Os oes angen cymorth arnoch neu os oes gennych unrhyw gwestiynau, rhowch wybod i drefnwyr y digwyddiad trwy anfon e-bost i


  • Torch bearer - early bird

    Under 16s must be under supervision of parents / guardians at all times. Only one lit torch to be carried at any time. Safety restrictions apply.

    Sold Out
  • Group / Family ticket

    Sale ends: 02 Nov, 15:00

    Group discount for FOUR torches. Under 16s must be under supervision of parents / guardians at all times. Only one lit torch to be carried at any time. Safety restrictions apply.

  • Torch bearer - Single

    Under 16s must be under supervision of parents / guardians at all times. Only one lit torch to be carried at any time. Safety restrictions apply.




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